BOMA Oregon advocates on behalf of our members at the Federal, State, and Local levels.
Legislative Efforts
BOMA, the leading industry association for commercial real estate, has a strong advocacy program that works on behalf of its members at various levels of government.
At the federal level, BOMA International engages with legislators and decision-makers in Washington D.C. to ensure that the concerns of the commercial real estate industry are heard and addressed.
At the state level, BOMA Oregon has a dedicated lobbyist, Nellie deVries, who works with leadership from the association to meet with state legislators and advocate for issues relevant to the industry.
On a local level, BOMA Oregon's Local Advocacy and Political Action Director, Wade Lange, monitors developments in Multnomah County, the City of Portland, and surrounding areas, and provides written and verbal testimony on behalf of the membership on issues that are important to them.